Content Creation is a people’s business
We are your breeding ground in which you can plant and develop your creativity.
Frimeso opens the door to customized management-solutions tailored to your needs, provided by professionals for professionals. You are at the center of it all, you and your quest to create excellent content for your community.
Our focus on specific targeted audiences helps us to compelling synergies that benefit you:
- in growing your influence within your community,
- in you finding the right brands to work with,
- by us removing all obstacles between you and your progress.
I am Christian Kläs, the founder of Frimeso. I worked in various roles within and outside the digital media industry and for almost a decade for a Nasdaq Media-Tech company in Europe. I saw great content throughout my professional life, not getting past the audiences’ technical and human gatekeepers, thus getting lost and not living up to the potential it deserves. Behind all great content is a creator. Together we break the status quo, boost your content, and support you as your daily companion.
I live with my wife and my two children in Luxembourg. I have lived in six countries and have two business degrees in business and management.

Our blog
Content Creation & Business
Once a month, we post a new article on digital media and content creation, how to become an influencer, and what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. Stay tuned!
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